Psycho-Spiritual Purification

Raw, Real, and Radiant: The Path to Living Authentically Through Psycho - Spiritual Initiation

September 19, 20247 min read

Raw, Real, and Radiant


The Path to Living Authentically Through Psycho - Spiritual Initiation

I want to share my personal experience with you as I return from another group training, in the hope that it may resonate with your own journey. Over the years, I've walked a path of deep psychospiritual transformation, and while the process is uniquely my own, the lessons I’ve learned are universal. If you're reading this, perhaps you'll gain an insight into my experience or even recognise echoes of your own.

I feel it’s woven into my very DNA to dive into the unconscious, to explore the deepest parts of myself in the quest for greater freedom and autonomy. It’s not easy work, but this is the well I draw my passion from—the source that calls me again and again to confront what lies beneath. To know who I truly am and live from that place is my greatest calling, and I believe that this process is one we all face in some form or another. The journey of self-discovery and healing requires us to step into our own void, to confront the darkness within, and it is there, in that space of not knowing, that we find the light of who we truly are.

alesha keen

The Courage to Stay Open

There is power in this openness. When we stand there, defences down, exposed to the world, there’s a deep temptation to retreat, to hide. Yet, it is precisely in these moments when we feel most raw that we must lean in, reaching out to those we trust—those who honour us, those who see our worth and if we are really brave those who don’t.

In my own process, I’ve come to understand that this vulnerability is an invitation, an initiation, into a deeper connection. When we allow ourselves to be seen in our most honest state, we make room for profound healing. This is not just healing for ourselves, but a ripple that touches everyone around us. It’s a moment of personal evolution, where we step forward, despite the fear, despite the discomfort, and we allow ourselves to connect.

It’s reminiscent of the wisdom in Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. There’s a profound shift that occurs when we do this, a breaking down of illusions. We begin to release the fear that has held us back, and in doing so, we start to embody more of our true selves. This is the ultimate empowerment—grounding our true nature into the world.


The Spiritual Warrior: Strength in Vulnerability

I’ve learned that to walk this path is to embrace both strength and softness. To be a spiritual warrior is to encompass power alongside vulnerability, to recognise that our sensitivity is not a weakness, but a superpower. It allows us to feel, to connect, and to awaken more fully to life.

Yes, with deep psycho-spiritual work comes heightened sensitivity. But there is a fine line between being overwhelmed by this sensitivity and being strong and grounded in it. Sensitivity, when honoured, allows us to feel the world with greater depth. It enables us to respond—not react—to the challenges that arise. And trust me, the challenges will come. They are inevitable initiations on this journey.

Each challenge is an opportunity to shed more layers of conditioning. Every time we face a difficult situation, we are given the chance to either react from our past patterns or respond from a place of truth in the now. When we choose to respond consciously, we begin a purification process—one that strips away the layers of societal, familial, and cultural expectations that have weighed us down. We start to live from a place of freedom and autonomy.


Living in Alignment: Embodying Our Truth

The more psycho-spiritual work I do, the more I recognise the importance of embodying my truth in every moment. Every word we speak, every action we take, is a reflection of who we are. It tells others the story of our being. And in turn, the way others react and respond to us tells us who they are. This is where discernment comes in. It’s about learning not to take things personally, to see others’ reactions as a reflection of their own journey, not ours.

This process of clearing old patterns—especially those around rejection, abandonment, betrayal, injustice, humiliation or unworthiness—is a continuous one. It’s not something that happens overnight. We go through waves of purification, followed by integration, and then stabilization. Each time, we are given the opportunity to practice more deeply, to stand more fully in who we are. And with each cycle, we grow stronger, more aligned with our true essence.


The Power of Connection

At the heart of this journey is the longing for connection. Whether we’re seeking connection with ourselves, with the divine, with others, or with nature, it is the thread that runs through all of life. In shedding the layers of conditioning, we begin to purify the barriers that separate us from this connection. We start to realise that it is the very fabric of existence—an invisible web that holds us all together.

Through these initiations, these challenges, and this deep work, we don’t just purify ourselves; we transform the world around us. We radiate more of our authentic selves into every interaction, every relationship, and every moment. This is the true essence of spiritual empowerment—to live unburdened by the expectations of others, fully grounded in our own truth.

spiritual practice

Practical Ways to Live Consciously and Authentically

Living a conscious life means knowing yourself—your strengths, your blind spots, your wounds. Here are some key ways to stay aligned with your true self and avoid being weighed down by past conditioning:

  1. Know Your Patterns: Recognising your emotional patterns, especially around areas of pain, is the first step to healing. Even if you’re not ready to fully transform them, awareness is power. It helps you navigate your responses more effectively.

  2. Don’t Avoid Emotional Pain: Avoiding pain only delays the inevitable growth. Allow yourself to feel what arises, and trust that pain is a portal to transformation. Staying comfortable weakens us in the long run, while facing pain strengthens our resilience.

  3. Make Conscious Choices: Every word you speak and every action you take tells others who you are. No one else can define you, but you must ensure that your choices reflect your truth. Be mindful of how you engage with the world.

  4. Embrace Vulnerability as Strength: Instead of seeing vulnerability as a weakness, view it as your greatest strength. It allows for deep connections and opens you up to higher levels of spiritual growth.

  5. Take Time for Integration: After any profound spiritual work or emotional breakthrough, give yourself time to integrate. This is where the real transformation happens. Allow your body, mind, and spirit to stabilise before moving on to the next phase of your journey.

  6. Find Grounding Practices: Whether through breathwork, meditation, yoga, or time in nature, find practices that ground you in the present moment. These will help you remain centred and strong, even in the face of life’s challenges.

  7. Stay Conscious in Relationships: How others treat you tells you more about them than it does about you. Your task is to remain conscious and present, discerning the difference between others’ projections and your own truth.

The Journey of Being Human

This process of clearing old wounds, especially those around rejection, vulnerability, and worthiness, is not easy. It requires courage, and a willingness to be stripped bare. But in this bareness, in this rawness, lies the seed of true transformation. It is a return to the essence of who we are, unencumbered by the masks we wear or the expectations placed upon us.

As we continue to walk this path, may we do so with grace, embracing both our sensitivity and our strength. May we honour the challenges as initiations, and may we always remember that in our rawest, most vulnerable moments, we are closest to the truth of our being. This is the gift of purification—a journey of becoming more aligned, more connected, and more whole.


alesha keen

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