Pisces Full Moon

The Cosmic Dance of the Autumn Equinox and Harvest Moon—A Mystical Journey of Balance and Release

September 18, 20245 min read

full moon in pisces

The Cosmic Dance of the Autumn Equinox and Harvest Moon

A Mystical Journey of Balance and Release

I write about these events because I believe they are powerful opportunities that it is wise for us to bring into full awareness in order to harness the gifts we are given.

So let me share with you............................

Understanding the cycles of the equinox and full moon connects us to the natural rhythms of the Earth and cosmos, offering powerful opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. These celestial events—moments of balance, culmination, and transition—invite us to pause, reflect, and align with the subtle changes in our environment. By attuning ourselves to these cycles, we deepen our awareness of the interconnectedness between our inner world and the external forces that shape our lives. This awareness fosters clarity, emotional release, and a greater sense of harmony, helping us navigate life's transitions with grace and insight.

As we approach Sunday, September 22, 2024, the Autumn Equinox, a profound cosmic event graces our skies. This year, just three days before the equinox, the Full Moon on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, invites us into a deeply potent time of heightened energy, introspection, and transformation. Together, these celestial markers form a harmonious balance between culmination and transition, lighting a path for both reflection and renewal.

The Harvest Moon & Its Spiritual Significance

This year’s Full Moon in Pisces is the Harvest Moon, the full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox. Traditionally, it marked the final harvest before the cold months set in. Spiritually, this moon invites us to gather the fruits of our labour, not just in the physical sense but also in our emotional and spiritual lives. What lessons have you harvested in recent months? What emotional crops are ripe for release as you move into the darker half of the year?

Astrologically, Pisces is a water sign ruled by Neptune, heightening our spiritual sensitivity and intuition. Expect this full moon to stir deep emotions, compassion, and dreams. It’s a time of inner healing and connecting with the mystical, but it also demands grounding, as Pisces energy can blur boundaries, making it easy to feel overwhelmed. This moon asks: what are you ready to release, and what truths from your subconscious are rising to the surface?

autumn equinox

The Equinox: A Time of Balance and Reflection

Just as the Harvest Moon invites release, the Autumn Equinox on September 22, 2024, offers balance. On this day, day and night stand equal, a perfect harmony before we descend into longer nights and deeper introspection. As the Sun enters Libra, the sign of balance, we are called to reflect on equilibrium in our lives—between light and dark, giving and receiving, work and rest.

The equinox is a sacred moment to honour this balance, taking stock of what you’ve achieved in the brighter months of summer while preparing to go inward. The veil between worlds thins, making it a time of deep reflection and connection to the unseen.

The Celtic, Ayurvedic, and Chinese Medicine Wisdom

The ancient Celts celebrated this day as Mabon, a harvest festival to honour the bounty of the earth and the balance of light and dark. Rituals of gratitude and introspection were performed, acknowledging both abundance and the need to release.

In Ayurveda, the equinox marks the onset of Vata season—cool, dry, and airy. To balance this energy, grounding practices are essential: warming foods like soups and stews, and self-massage with oils such as sesame can soothe both body and mind.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, autumn is governed by the Lungs and the Metal Element, symbolizing clarity and release. The lungs, associated with grief and the capacity to let go, remind us to clear both physical and emotional clutter. Lung-boosting practices like breathing exercises and foods like pears and white radishes can help align our bodies with the shifting season.

moon cycles

The Powerful Synergy: Full Moon and Equinox

The Pisces Full Moon and Autumn Equinox create a powerful energetic blend—Pisces' dreamy, emotional energy calls for inner healing and release, while the equinox invites balance and grounded reflection. Together, they offer a cosmic opportunity for deep spiritual growth. Use this time to connect with your intuition, release old patterns, and realign yourself with the natural rhythms of life.


Rituals for a Harmonious Transition

I love Rituals as they call to a part of us that I feel has been asleep in our everyday modern lives. Here are some simple yet powerful rituals to help you harness the energy of the Full Moon and Equinox:

1. Full Moon Release Ceremony

  • Under the full moonlight, write down what you wish to release—fears, emotions, limiting beliefs. Burn this list in a small fire-safe bowl, allowing the flames to symbolise the release of what no longer serves you.

2. Equinox Gratitude Practice

  • Create an altar with seasonal symbols—leaves, fruits, candles. Reflect on both the light and dark moments of the year, acknowledging how both have contributed to your growth.

3. Cleansing Ritual

  • Take a salt bath infused with essential oils like rosemary and lavender, visualising the water drawing out stagnant energy. Feel yourself refreshed and ready for the introspection that autumn brings.

4. Journaling with Intuition

  • With Pisces energy heightened, take time to journal. Ask yourself: What am I ready to let go of? What spiritual insights are emerging? Allow your intuition to guide your writing.

5. Balancing Act

  • On the equinox, engage in activities that restore balance. This could be as simple as a yoga practice focused on balance postures or spending mindful time in nature.

My Final Thoughts for you

The cosmic combination of the Pisces Full Moon and Autumn Equinox creates a sacred space for emotional release and balance. As you move through this potent time, embrace the culmination of what has grown in the brighter months while making space for the introspection and transformation that the darker season will bring. Let this celestial dance between light and dark, action and reflection, guide you into deeper alignment with both the cosmos and your inner world.

Alesha Keen

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